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Kamal Ahmed

Kamal Ahmed





Additional Info:

Kamal Ahmed is a successful Modern and Tagore Singer. He is a media personality, music connoisseur in Bangladesh. He is better known as a devoted & noted Tagore Singer in addition to his responsibilities of a capable executive in Bangladesh Betar & Bangladesh Television. He is a passionate and melodious singer in Tagore Song category in Bangladesh. He has a very special voice of depth and tune in Tagore Song, which he got by nature and having developed by himself through a regular and dedicated practice and devotion in singing. He has shown his efficiency in Classical and Modern Song as well. He is an enlisted “Special Grade” singer of Bangladesh Betar & Bangladesh Television. Kamal Ahmed is working as a Deputy Director General (Program), (PLR) Bangladesh Betar having the specialization in Media Communication, Mass Communication Research, Networking and Program Development for Electronic & Mass Media. Prior to begin his career in Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS), he opted for Information Cadre as his first choice and joined Bangladesh Betar in 1991, the electronic media of Bangladesh Government. Till date, he had worked 30 years in Bangladesh Betar and 3 years in Bangladesh Television. He has achieved 11 Awards.

Kamal Ahmed released 31 Audio Albums. Comprising selected Tegore Songs, Tribute to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Modern Songs, Golden Modern Songs from the Past & the Songs of three Poets. Ever since his childhood, Kamal Ahmed was a meritorious student with keen interest in music. Learning music for him was not that easy as there was dearth of qualified music teachers in his locality and his father was averse to in part music lessons to him. But he had an itch for music that enthused him to learn songs by listening to music programmes broadcast from Radio. As a music loving teenager, he became involved with a group of cultural activists in the community and participated in music competitions to earn appreciations from the people, which led him to learn music seriously despite parental disliking.

Birth, birthplace, parents:
I born on 9th September in 1965 in a quiet remote village in the district of Pabna in Bangladesh, named ‘Khonkra’. This is one of the villages in the sub-district of Pabna Sadar.

By name, Kiam Uddin Biswas is my father and Aziza Khatun is my mother. They both were satisfied to me on my fair performance in studying. There was no diversity in the plain rural life. There was no scope of enjoying modern entertainment. But I felt an attraction for music since my childhood. As days passed, it increased more.


Contemporary Music, Solo Performance

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