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Joseph Kingma

Joseph Kingma




United States 74145


Additional Info:

Welcome to the Kingma Piano Studio! Dr. Joseph Kingma, NCTM, offers both in-person and online piano lessons (yes, you can learn piano from anywhere in the world!).


Lessons take place in the center of the great city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in Dr. Kingma’s inviting home studio. Conveniently located near the intersection of 61st and Sheridan, the Kingma Piano Studio is easily accessible to all of Tulsa and the surrounding cities like Bixby, Broken Arrow, Owasso, and more!

Teaching Philosophy

Piano lessons with Dr. Kingma are personalized to each student. Instead of relying on a method book to teach for him, he uses a variety of quality musical materials to both engage the student’s artistic imagination and develop proper technique and musicianship from the very beginning. He believes it is vital for all students, no matter their age or ability, to avoid what Charlotte Mason famously called “twaddle”; that is, boring and uninteresting material that is designed to keep the student busy without stimulating the imagination.

To accomplish this, Dr. Kingma is a firm believer in using the beautiful and sublime to teach his students. Even beginners will soon be learning tunes from famous pieces of music and many gorgeous folk-songs.

What to Expect

Beginners are taught to utilize the whole keyboard and not to get used to playing in a single hand position, thus preparing them for more advanced works quickly.

Intermediate students are given personalized repertoire and etudes to continue their technical and musical development.

Advanced students are given challenging works and encouraged to enter competitions for the purpose of refinement.

All students are taught music theory and attention to every musical detail.


$ 80.00 Dollars Per Hour

Will Teach:

Beginners, Intermediate Grades, Advanced Grades, Diploma / Higher Levels, Adult Beginners

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